Laney A1+ Acoustic Amplifier and IRT-X Expansion Cabinets
Musikmesse 2014
At the Musikmesse 2014 Laney launched the A1+ Acoustic Amplifier and the IRT-X Expansion Cabinets.
Laney A1+ Acoustic Amplifier and IRT-X Expansion Cabinets
Musikmesse 2014
At the Musikmesse 2014 Laney launched the A1+ Acoustic Amplifier and the IRT-X Expansion Cabinets.
Lots of demonstartions and artists such as Christophe Godin who was on hand to demonstrate the IRT-X with the IRT30-112 Combo each day.
Mike Dawes mesmerised the crowd with his performances on the new A1+ each day and the stand was busy for the whole show with lots of people taking interest in Laney 2014 product range.